
  • Francesco Ciuffoli
    Università del Salento (Dipartimento di Studi umanistici)
    “Abitare l’inquietante: un caso di studio nelle periferie romane”
    1 month
  • Jeniffer Gomez Esquinas
    Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa – Italianistica e filologia moderna
    “Sulle orme di Cariteo nella Roma del Cinquecento tra archivi e biblioteche”
    1 month
  • Areyeh Lipkis
    Temple University (Art History)
    “Capricious Nature: Landscape and Environmental Anxiety Before the Capriccio”
    2 months
  • Michele Mastroberti
    Università di Napoli Federico II (Diritti umani)
    “Il mito di Roma nelle Novelle di Giustiniano”
    1 month
  • Leilani Stajer
    Université de Lille (FR) & University of Primorska (SLO) – Archaeology
    “Military Iconography on Early Roman Imperial Coinage – Iconografia militare sulla prima monetazione imperiale romana”
    1 month
  • Dustin Thomas
    University of Virginia (Department of Art – Mediterranean Art and Archaeology)
    “Spaces of the Dead in Ancient Rome (initial fieldwork for dissertation titled Roman Rock-Cut Tombs: Provinciality, Continuity, and Permanence)”
    2 months
  • Kelsey Wight
    University of California, Santa Barbara (History)
    “Violets & Roses, Betony & Borage: Seventeenth-Century Italian Women as Apothecaries”
    1 month
  • Cara Wolahan
    The Warburg Institute, University of London, School of Advanced Study (History of Art and Material Culture)
    “Blood Magic: Coral Amulets in the Cinquecento”
    2 months


  • Hugh Cullimore
    University of London (School of Advanced Studies – Warburg Institute)
    “An Ostrich in the Vatican and Cranes Holding Stones: A study of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and their influence on cinquecento art”
    2 months
  • Skye Shirley
    University College London (Department of Greek and Latin)
    “Three Collections of Latin Poetry by Women From the 17th Century”
    2 months
  • Anja Božič
    Central European University (Department of Medieval Studies)
    “Elogiare i Santi e Predicare l’Eloquenza: Orazioni Umanistiche in Onore di S. Girolamo (Penisola Italiana, 1390-1450) / Praising Saints and Preaching Eloquence: Humanist Orations in Honor of St. Jerome (Italian Peninsula 1390-1450)”
    1 month
  • Ruben Campini
    Masaryk University (Faculty of Arts) / University of Fribourg (Dept. of Art, History and Archaeology)
    “From Alexandria to Rome? ‘Foreign’ martyrs, Saint Paul Outside the Walls, and the mystery of an Ivory Pyxis with scenes of St. Menas”
    1 month
  • Dimitrios Roussos
    University of London (The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study -SAS)
    “Gnothi Kairon: Personifications of the Awareness of Time in the Italian Renaissance”
    1 month
  • Jonas Zweifel
    Freie Universität Berlin (Facoltà di Archeologia Classica)
    “Le Terme dell’Invidioso a Ostia”
    1 month


  • Julia Katz
    Rutgers University (School of Graduate Studies/Art History)
    “Circe’s Wand: Reimagining Antiquities in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800”
    4 months
  • Kearstin Jacobson
    University of Texas-Austin (Department of Art and Art)
    “Framing and Representing Procession (First Century BCE-Seventh Century CE): Roman Processional Architecture from City to Church”
    2 months
  • Baley Benson
    Boston University (History of Art & Architecture)
    “In the Eye of the Beholder: Memory, Identity, and the Role of Viewer Reception in Roman Imperial Portraiture, 193-284 CE – (Negli Occhi Di Chi Guarda: Memoria, Identità e Ruolo Della Ricezione Del Pubblico Nella Ritrattistica Imperiale Romana, 193-284 d.C.)”
    1 month
  • Chiara Calvano
    Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici)
    “La collaborazione scientifica tra Wilhelm Henzen e Giovanni Battista de Rossi. Un emblema del “germanesimo culturale”?”
    1 month


  • Piotr Kowalski
    University of Łódź (Institute of Romance Studies)
    “Modello delle traduzioni letterarie e audiovisive dal dialetto romano basato su corpus in polacco, inglese e francese”
    2 months
  • Sarah Vyverman
    Università di Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum (Comunicazione storica)
    “Studio archeologico, topografico, stratigrafico e diacronico di un complesso architettonico del sito archeologico di Ostia Antica: l’Insula delle Trifore.”
    1 month
  • Tairan An
    Princeton University (School of Architecture)
    “The Architectural Erratic: Anomalies, Anachronisms, and Other Instabilities of Nineteenth-century Italy”
    2 months
  • Mary Danisi
    Cornell University (Classics)
    “Fillets and the Fabrication of the Sacred in Greco- Roman Art”
    1 month
  • Suzan van de Velde
    Leiden University (Faculty of Archaeology)
    “Moving Statues. The introduction and impact of Greek statuary in Republican Rome”
    1 month
  • Julius Wenger
    Hamburg University (Art History)
    “Bernini devoto. The Small Bronzes of Gian Lorenzo Bernini and the Question of Scale in Roman Baroque” Sculpture
    1 month


  • Gabrielle Hamelin
    University of Montreal (History)
    “Roma e la circolazione vietata dei saperi biblici (1596-1758)”
    4 months
  • José Patarroyo-Vega
    Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Lettere e Storia dell’arte)
    “Crocifissi dolorosi a Roma: aperture per uno studio sulla scultura lignea del Trecento”
    4 months


  • John Paul Heil
    University of Chicago (History)
    “Virtue and Vice in the Political World of Renaissance Naples”
    2 months


  • Avery Lauren
    McMaster University
    “Coming of Age in Ancient Rome”
    2 months
  • Barber Samuel
    Cornell University
    “Imperii decora facies: Palaces and Power in the Early Middle Ages”
    3 months
  • Kainz Katharina
    University of Vienna
    “The Cultural Pluralism of Late Republican Rome. Large-Scale Terracotta Sculpture between Italic Traditions and Hellenistic Innovation”
    3 months
  • Kurkoski Margaret
    Princeton University
    “Elite Properties and Imperial Politics of the second century CE”
    2 months


  • Benedetta Carnaghi
    Cornell University
    “Lives under cover: comparative History of spies in the italian OVRA and the German Gestapo, 1927-1945”
    2 months
  • Stefano De Togni
    Université de Bourgogne
    “Archeological evidence for the study of the ancient system of piers ond dockes at Ostia”
    2 months
  • Michal Jasinski
    Polish Academy of Science
    “Santi Sergio e Bacco. Roman headquarters of the Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Basilian Monks”
    1 months
  • Nicole Koopman
    Saint Louis University
    “My eyes are ever towards the Lord”: the career of Pierre de Tarentaise
    2 months
  • Clelia Pozzi
    Princeton University
    “Recast as new: Restauro techniques and the modernization of the Italian built environment”
    1 months
  • Scott Weiss
    Stanford University
    “Birth of the Grotesque: dynamics of display in Neronian art and literature”
    2 months


  • Daniel Diffendale
    University of Michigan
    “Archeologia del luogo di culto della Roma repubblicana sotto Sant’Omobono.”
    3 months
  • Maurizio Gatta
    University of York
    Le attività nel Tardo Pleistocene in Italia centrale: un approccio multidisciplinare.
    1 months
  • Barbara Lepri
    University of Cologne
    “Produzione e distribuzione del vetro nel secoli II e III d.C: la testimonianza di Roma e Ostia.”
    1 month
  • Michiel van Veldhuizen
    Brown University
    “Divinare tragedie: sincretismo religioso delle pratiche divinatorie romane in tempo di catastrofi.”
    2 months


  • Richard Allington
    Saint Louis University
    “Prayer Warriors: Crusading piety in Rome and the Papal States 1187-1291.”
    2 months
  • James Anno
    Washington University in St. Louis
    “Michelangelo Moving Time”
    2 months
  • Djenan Dautovic
    University of Sarajevo
    “Bosnia and Roman Curia in the Middle Ages”
    2 months
  • Bartosz Koloczek
    Jagiellonian University in Crocow
    “The vision of the past in the Roman erudite literature during the period of the Principate”
    2 months
  • Piotr Sadzik
    University of Warsaw
    “Life and work of Stanislao Lepri. The forgotten Italian surrealist painter.”
    2 months.


  • Andrea Bacciolo
    University of Vienna
    “The Barberini Family and the British Isles. Art and Diplomacy between Rome and London (1623-1679)”
    2 months
  • Andrea Brock
    University of Michigan
    “Environment and Topography of the Archaic Forum Boarium”
    2 months
  • Charles Keenan
    Northwestern University
    “The Lesser Evil: Papal Diplomacy and the Politics of Toleration in Early Modern Europe, 1572-1605”
    2 months
  • Joanna Mundy
    Emory University
    “The Domus in the City of Rome: Living Spaces, Design and Development”
    1 months
  • Luca Peretti
    Yale University
    “Sul cinema e l’Italia del dopoguerra”
    2 months
  • Melissa Yuen
    Rutgers University
    “The Young Mattia Preti in Rome: Style and Roman Baroque Painting, c. 1630-1652”
    3 months


  • Matteo Brera
    University of Utrecht
    “Gabriele D’Annunzio e il Sant’Uffizio romano. I processi, le condanne all’indice e il complesso rapporto Stato-Chiesa negli inediti vaticani.”
    2 months
  • Mary Jane Cuyler
    The University of Sydney
    “Origins of Ostia. Landscapes of Rome s “First Colony” in the Late Republic”
    2 months
  • Marius Hauknes
    Princeton University
    “The Image of the World in Thirteenth-Century Rome”
    2 months
  • Noria Litaker
    University of Pennsylvania
    “Migrating Martyrs: The Transfer of Roman Catacomb Saints to Counter-Reformation Bavaria (1578-1803)”
    2 months
  • Aliyah Shanti
    Princeton University
    “Musical Descents: Creating and Re-Creating Hell in Italian Opera, 1600-1680”
    1 month


  • Amy Cymbala
    The University of Pittsburgh
    “Uxor Carissima, Mulier Clarissima: Womens Tomb Monuments in Rome 1550 1750”
    2 months
  • Péter Ertl
    Eötvös Loránd University
    “Petrarch and the Rome of his Time”
    2 months
  • Leon Grek
    Princeton University
    “Ruined City, Ruined Texts: Fragmentation, Intertextuality and Rome in Du Bellay’s Poemata”
    2 months
  • Shawon Kinew
    Harvard University
    “The Project of Sculpture in the Age of Bernini: Melchiorre Cafà in the World”
    2 months
  • Robert Stark
    McMaster University
    “Roman migration”
    2 months


  • Robert Clines
    Syracuse University
    “Rome through arab eyes: the Maronite College in Rome, c. 1575- 1625”
    2 months
  • Maryl Gensheimer
    New York University
    “Decoration in Rome’s Imperials Baths: Intention and Reception”
    2 months
  • Julia Kempa
    University of Warsaw
    “Alberto Moravia e la città di Roma”
    2 months
  • Kelley Magill
    University of Texas at Austin
    “Reforming the art of martyrdom: The Rediscovery of the catacombs and early Christian Revival in post-tridentine Rome.”
    2 months
  • Claudia Moser
    Brown University
    “Material Witnesses: The Memory of Sacrifice and the Altars of Republican Rome and Latium.”
    1 month


  • Rachel George
    Tor Vergata
    “Dalla teoria alla prassi: riflessioni sulle pratiche del disegno accademico dell’Accademia di San Luca, da Federico Zuccari a Carlo Maratti 1593-1713.”
    2 months
  • Marius Hauknes
    Princeton University
    “La conoscenza della pittura allegorica nel XII secolo a Roma.”
    2 months
  • Natsumi Nonaka
    University of Texas, Austin
    “Primo studio sistematico della pergola illusionista, il motivo maggiormente usato nelle ville e nei palazzi italiani rinascimentali.”
    2 months
  • Lýdia Pribišová
  • Sapienza Università di Roma
    “Meccanismi della funzione della Quadriennale di Roma dal 1986 al 2008.”
    2 months


  • Aimee Ng
    Columbia University
    “Painting trauma and the scak of Roma”
    2 months
  • Beatrice Sica
    New York University
    “Magical Italy in the interwar period: the defense of a non-fascist cultural identity”
    2 months
  • Margaret M. Andrews
    University of Pennsylvania
    “Interesse per il materiale “pozzolana” con cui venivano costruiti i mortai”
    2 months
    Matthew Gaetano
    University of Pennsylvania
    “Tommaso d’Aquino: scolasticismo nella cultura intellettuale del Rinascimento”
    2 months”